Trojan, according to Greek methodology City of troy is attacked by Trojans because of a dispute over a women they fort for about 20 years but the walls of troy is impenetrable after 20 years Trojans device a plan they made a large wooden horse and put some of their finest worriers inside and send a message to troy, that they have given up the war, and as a gift of troys victory. they offer this horse and all went and hid them self. the people of troy came and see that no one is there and find the note and was very happy. they pull the horse inside the gates and begin to celebrate all men took wine and other alcohol and was drunk in the mid night
when they got drunk the worriers in side the horse come out and open the gate letting rest of them to come in and to finish the drunken worriers
so how this apply to the Trojan Horse Virus well it attack in slimier fashion, it will arrive to you as a gift and you will accept it since it is a gift and when opening it will attack your system. for an example you will receive a computer game or utility program which is very useful but underneath that there will be a virus that attack your computer setting or give control of your system to another user, so while you play the game or use the utility, it will damage your system or give control to another
so how this apply to web see most of the websites today are build by popular web developing softwere like joomla or wordpress with these you get the ability to attach plugins so you can give functionality to program or make it looks better, better yet most of them are free. so some one can write a plugging and embedded a Trojan inside. plugin is nice has lot of functionality so you are bound to use it, and when you dose it will give the developer of plugin, access to the server and make a security hole so he will be able to manipulate your system through access given by plugin he will be able to upload files like php scripts or run commands linux or windows on your server(if your operating system is one of them) even delete using del command DOS or rm in linux and you will never know what happen.
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