Friday, April 22, 2016

ASCII Fonts, how it's done?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) what is it? Why we use it? Why every computer we buy has it? In English there are 26 letters in alphabet which can use to make many words. just like that computers work in binary so it has only two symbols and we can represent it with 1 and 0 and  every word of computer are made of it. So how can some machine using 1 and 0 can tell what is “A” and what is “B”. solution is the ASCII code see ascii table consist of 0 – 255 symbols each with 8 bit or a byte, denote a specific symbol in ascii code. so if we type 65(will be represented by binary in computer) and convert it to ascii symbol we get an “A” and as same as 97(will be represented by binary in computer) represent “a” in ascii. it is a mapping to code to a symbol so each code map to special symbol

To see how it work hold down the alt key and type the number in num pad and you will get symbols © for Alt + 0169  you can do it for all the symbols if you know the relevant code. they are inbuilt so we can type English and every computer can understand it. since it is a standard in every computer so if you have a text file which has “A” the file simply has number 65(in binary) in it and every computer has ascii table which know that 65 means symbol “A” so you take it to any computer and open it and you will see “A” a symbol which map to ascii table 65

So what is a ascii font how can we get a various styles of character? See a font file consist of a graphs of a characters, an image or drawing which is placed in one of 0 – 255 positions which resembles the ascii codes so symbol at 65 position is “A” so if you take a font file and change the symbol at position 65 to something else and type "A" you will not get “A” as symbol but the symbol you inset at the position 65, if your selected font is the one that you changed. So you can have Sinhala symbols at each of this positions in a font so if you type “a” it will be a Sinhala letter corresponding to position of ascii “a”  which is 97 so you can make 0-255 different symbols in a font file that will replace the originals to any language of your likeings not only that, symbols are jest images so you can have a image of a tree printed when you type “a”. computer does not understand it is "a" or tree it just print image corresponding to the ascii symbol that’s all

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