# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this is the game tic tac toe the game you were playing as children it is fully funcitonal
# with the capability of AI you can draw with it and have fun enjoy!
# P.S. this program required pygame along side with python 3 to work install pygame
# to your python 3 (e.g. C:\>pip install pygame) to make it work.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) Prageeth Niranjan 2019
# Version 1.0.0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HOW TO RUN: copy the code in this page and paste it on a text editor and name the file as tic_tac_toe.py
# then use command prompt to run c:\<dir path>\>python tic_tac_toe.py
# <dir path> is the path to tic_tac_toe.py file
import pygame, random, sys, os, math, random
from enum import Enum
# width and hight of the screen
WIDTH = 400
HEIGHT = 400
# the game array
tic_tac_toe = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# shift of player and compuer X and O
x_shift = 40
# score assined to the board
game_score = 1
player_score = game_score
computer_score = -game_score
# disply text position
text_x = 50
text_y = int(HEIGHT / 2 - 10)
# define values for X and O
# difine the Player Charactors
_computer = CHARACTOR_FOR_O
# player turn
turn = _player
# Collors to be used
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
# Display Message Settings
BACKGROUND_COLOR = BLACK # this varialbe set's the background color
screen = ""
myFont = ""
m_display = ""
gameOver = False
# init pygame
# this function handle the initialization of pygame it setup the environment
# so the screen can be use to draw the game objects
def init_pygame(): # this function initialize the pygame
global screen, myFont, m_display
pygame.init() # initilze pygame
pygame.display.set_caption('TIC TAC TOE') # set pygame caption
myFont = pygame.font.SysFont('monospace', 30) # get the font 'monospace' with size 30
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) # set the display windows width and height
pygame.display.update() # update the display window
m_display = pygame.Surface((WIDTH, DISPLAY_MESSAGE_HEIGHT)) # make the message background
m_display.set_alpha(DISPLAY_MESSAGE_ALPHA) # make the message background transparent
m_display.fill(BLACK) # fill message background with black
# game screen
# this function is used to draw the game screen of tic tac toe
def game_screen(COLOR): # this is a function to draw the grid line of the screen and the moves made
global screen, tic_tac_toe
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(WIDTH / 3), 0), (int(WIDTH / 3), HEIGHT), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(2 * WIDTH / 3), 0), (int(2 * WIDTH / 3), HEIGHT), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(HEIGHT / 3)), (WIDTH, int(HEIGHT / 3)), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(2 * HEIGHT / 3)), (WIDTH, int(2 * HEIGHT / 3)), 2)
for i in range(0, 9): # draw the player posisions
if tic_tac_toe[i] == player_score:
draw_charactor(i, BLUE, _player)
for i in range(0, 9): # draw the computer posisions
if tic_tac_toe[i] == computer_score:
draw_charactor(i, BLUE, _computer)
# find pos
# This function is used to find the position of the tic tac toe list
# relation to position clicked
def find_pos(pos): # find the mouse position related to the grid
# pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
x = pos[0] // (WIDTH / 3)
y = pos[1] // (HEIGHT / 3)
return int(y * 3 + x)
# drawX
# draw the X symbol on the screen given the clicked position
def drawX(pos, COLOR): # draw the X in the grid
global screen
x = pos % 3
y = pos // 3
xi = math.ceil(x * WIDTH / 3)
yi = math.ceil(y * HEIGHT / 3)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(xi + x_shift), int(yi + x_shift)),
(int(xi + WIDTH / 3 - x_shift), int(yi + HEIGHT / 3 - x_shift)), 10)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(xi + x_shift), int(yi + HEIGHT / 3 - x_shift)),
(int(xi + WIDTH / 3 - x_shift), int(yi + x_shift)), 10)
# drawO
# draw the O symbol on the screen given the clicked position
def drawO(pos, COLOR): # draw the O in the grid
global screen
x = pos % 3
y = pos // 3
xi = math.ceil(x * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6)
yi = math.ceil(y * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, COLOR, (xi, yi), math.ceil(WIDTH / 6 - x_shift), 10)
# draw character
# draw X or O depending on the character given
def draw_charactor(pos, COLOR, charactor): # Draw the charactor Acording to symbol
if charactor == CHARACTOR_FOR_X:
drawX(pos, COLOR)
elif charactor == CHARACTOR_FOR_O:
drawO(pos, COLOR)
# process input
# This function is used to process input for the game
# the mouse click is handle here and the click is recorded
def process_input(): # process the input of the system
global tic_tac_toe, turn, gameOver
# this handle the keyboard & mouse events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # if press quit
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.dict['button'] == 1: # if left mouse button is pressed
if turn == _player and not gameOver: # if it is the player's turn
if tic_tac_toe[find_pos(event.dict['pos'])] == 0:
tic_tac_toe[find_pos(event.dict['pos'])] = player_score
turn = _computer
# computer move
# compute the moves of the computer the AI is handled here
def computer_move(x_a): # this function handle the AI
for val in [2 * computer_score,
2 * player_score]: # -2 check for winning conditon and 2 for blocking the win of player
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == val: # check diaganaly /
if x_a[0] == 0:
return 0
elif x_a[4] == 0:
return 4
elif x_a[8] == 0:
return 8
if x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == val: # check diaganaly \
if x_a[2] == 0:
return 2
elif x_a[4] == 0:
return 4
elif x_a[6] == 0:
return 6
for i in [0, 3, 6]:
if x_a[i] + x_a[i + 1] + x_a[i + 2] == val: # check Horizontaly
if x_a[i] == 0:
return i
elif x_a[i + 1] == 0:
return i + 1
elif x_a[i + 2] == 0:
return i + 2
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
if x_a[i] + x_a[i + 3] + x_a[i + 6] == val: # check vertically
if x_a[i] == 0:
return i
elif x_a[i + 3] == 0:
return i + 3
elif x_a[i + 6] == 0:
return i + 6
while not no_moves(): # if no wining or blocking situation make a random move
pos = random.randint(0, 89) // 10
if x_a[pos] == 0: # if the posision is empty
return pos
# no moves
# find if there is no more moves left
def no_moves(): # to find out any moves left
global tic_tac_toe
for i in range(0, 9):
if tic_tac_toe[i] == 0: # if the position is empty
return False
return True
# win
# find if computer or player has win the game
def win(x_a, player): # find the winner
global player_score, computer_score
if player == _player:
score = player_score * 3
score = computer_score * 3
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == score or x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == score or \
x_a[0] + x_a[1] + x_a[2] == score or x_a[3] + x_a[4] + x_a[5] == score or x_a[6] + x_a[7] + x_a[
8] == score or \
x_a[0] + x_a[3] + x_a[6] == score or x_a[1] + x_a[4] + x_a[7] == score or x_a[2] + x_a[5] + x_a[
8] == score: # check if there is a wining situation
return True
return False
# draw win
# draw the winning lines
def draw_win(x_a, COLOR): # draw the winning lines
global screen
for val in [3 * computer_score, 3 * player_score]:
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, 0), (WIDTH, HEIGHT), 4)
if x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, HEIGHT), (WIDTH, 0), 4)
for i, num in enumerate([0, 3, 6]):
if x_a[num] + x_a[num + 1] + x_a[num + 2] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(i * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)),
(WIDTH, int(i * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)), 4)
for num in [0, 1, 2]:
if x_a[num] + x_a[num + 3] + x_a[num + 6] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(num * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6), 0),
(int(num * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6), HEIGHT), 4)
# display message
# this function use to display message to the game screen
def display_messege(message, COLOR): # This function use to deiplay message (WIN) to screen
screen.blit(m_display, (0, int(HEIGHT / 2 - 80)))
wins = myFont.render(message, 2, COLOR)
screen.blit(wins, (text_x, text_y))
# game
# the main function of the game this is use to run the game
def game(): # main game function
global screen, tic_tac_toe, gameOver, turn, computer_score, myFont, m_display, BLUE, GREEN, WHITE, HEIGHT, WIDTH
init_pygame() # initialize the pygame settings
# main game loop execution bigins hear
while True:
if not gameOver: # do this if game is not over
if turn == _computer and not win(tic_tac_toe,
_player) and not no_moves(): # if it is the computers turn do this
tic_tac_toe[computer_move(tic_tac_toe)] = computer_score
turn = _player
gameOver = win(tic_tac_toe, _player) or win(tic_tac_toe, _computer)
draw_win(tic_tac_toe, RED)
if win(tic_tac_toe, _player): # if player wins show message
display_messege("player Wins!!!", GREEN)
elif win(tic_tac_toe, _computer): # if computer wins show message
display_messege("Computer Wins!!", GREEN)
if no_moves(): # if no more moves show message
pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (0, 0), (WIDTH, HEIGHT), 4)
pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (0, HEIGHT), (WIDTH, 0), 4)
display_messege("No more moves!!", GREEN)
game() # game bigins here
Monday, January 18, 2021
Tic Tac Toe Cording in Python
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