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Saturday, February 3, 2024
Infinity Kingdom Game for sale
Click the button below to purchase
Epic Imortals :- Harreld III, Merlin, William 1, Fredric I, Yoshitsune, Leonidas, Cleopatra, Alexander the Graat, Hannibal Barca, Richard I, Emperies Wu, King Arthur, Attila the Hun, EL Sid (Ready to unlock), Qin Emperor
Elite Imortals :- Helen of troy, Brynhild, Edward, John Henry, Isabella of Cstile, Sanada Yukimura, Euiji Mundeok, Mulan, Spartacus, Joan of Arc, Robin Hood, Arminius, Moctexuma 1, Boudicca (Ready to Unlock)
rare Imotals:- Lancerlot, Pelayo, Amanitore, Tomoe Gozen, Jebe, Samson, Gaius Marius
uncommon Imotals:-Pierre Terrail, Nills Ebbesen, Vlasta, John Zizka, Arnold Von Winkelried
Build Que:2 (1 Purchased)
lord level 29
Castle level 29
gems: 53,000+
server 254
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
New Game Platformer 1 Beta 1.1.0 Build 2
the release of Platformer 1 beta, a platformer game for your amusement to try and enjoy. Platformer 1 is completely written in Python and ported to Windows as an executable. it will not require Python or any external libraries to run.
Download beta 1.1.0 Build 2 Update - Download beta 1.1.0 Release and run, then run this patch to update
Download beta 1.2.0 Build 1 Update - Download beta 1.1.0 Release and run, then run this patch to update or if you have run the beta 1.1.0 Build 2 run this patch on top of it.
Download beta 1.2.0 Build 2 Update Download beta 1.1.0 Release and run, then run this patch to update or if you have run the beta 1.1.0 Build 2, or beta 1.2.0 build 1 run this patch on top of it.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Friday, December 10, 2021
Monday, July 5, 2021
Monday, January 18, 2021
Tic Tac Toe Cording in Python
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this is the game tic tac toe the game you were playing as children it is fully funcitonal
# with the capability of AI you can draw with it and have fun enjoy!
# P.S. this program required pygame along side with python 3 to work install pygame
# to your python 3 (e.g. C:\>pip install pygame) to make it work.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) Prageeth Niranjan 2019
# Version 1.0.0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HOW TO RUN: copy the code in this page and paste it on a text editor and name the file as tic_tac_toe.py
# then use command prompt to run c:\<dir path>\>python tic_tac_toe.py
# <dir path> is the path to tic_tac_toe.py file
import pygame, random, sys, os, math, random
from enum import Enum
# width and hight of the screen
WIDTH = 400
HEIGHT = 400
# the game array
tic_tac_toe = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# shift of player and compuer X and O
x_shift = 40
# score assined to the board
game_score = 1
player_score = game_score
computer_score = -game_score
# disply text position
text_x = 50
text_y = int(HEIGHT / 2 - 10)
# define values for X and O
# difine the Player Charactors
_computer = CHARACTOR_FOR_O
# player turn
turn = _player
# Collors to be used
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
# Display Message Settings
BACKGROUND_COLOR = BLACK # this varialbe set's the background color
screen = ""
myFont = ""
m_display = ""
gameOver = False
# init pygame
# this function handle the initialization of pygame it setup the environment
# so the screen can be use to draw the game objects
def init_pygame(): # this function initialize the pygame
global screen, myFont, m_display
pygame.init() # initilze pygame
pygame.display.set_caption('TIC TAC TOE') # set pygame caption
myFont = pygame.font.SysFont('monospace', 30) # get the font 'monospace' with size 30
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) # set the display windows width and height
pygame.display.update() # update the display window
m_display = pygame.Surface((WIDTH, DISPLAY_MESSAGE_HEIGHT)) # make the message background
m_display.set_alpha(DISPLAY_MESSAGE_ALPHA) # make the message background transparent
m_display.fill(BLACK) # fill message background with black
# game screen
# this function is used to draw the game screen of tic tac toe
def game_screen(COLOR): # this is a function to draw the grid line of the screen and the moves made
global screen, tic_tac_toe
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(WIDTH / 3), 0), (int(WIDTH / 3), HEIGHT), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(2 * WIDTH / 3), 0), (int(2 * WIDTH / 3), HEIGHT), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(HEIGHT / 3)), (WIDTH, int(HEIGHT / 3)), 2)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(2 * HEIGHT / 3)), (WIDTH, int(2 * HEIGHT / 3)), 2)
for i in range(0, 9): # draw the player posisions
if tic_tac_toe[i] == player_score:
draw_charactor(i, BLUE, _player)
for i in range(0, 9): # draw the computer posisions
if tic_tac_toe[i] == computer_score:
draw_charactor(i, BLUE, _computer)
# find pos
# This function is used to find the position of the tic tac toe list
# relation to position clicked
def find_pos(pos): # find the mouse position related to the grid
# pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
x = pos[0] // (WIDTH / 3)
y = pos[1] // (HEIGHT / 3)
return int(y * 3 + x)
# drawX
# draw the X symbol on the screen given the clicked position
def drawX(pos, COLOR): # draw the X in the grid
global screen
x = pos % 3
y = pos // 3
xi = math.ceil(x * WIDTH / 3)
yi = math.ceil(y * HEIGHT / 3)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(xi + x_shift), int(yi + x_shift)),
(int(xi + WIDTH / 3 - x_shift), int(yi + HEIGHT / 3 - x_shift)), 10)
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(xi + x_shift), int(yi + HEIGHT / 3 - x_shift)),
(int(xi + WIDTH / 3 - x_shift), int(yi + x_shift)), 10)
# drawO
# draw the O symbol on the screen given the clicked position
def drawO(pos, COLOR): # draw the O in the grid
global screen
x = pos % 3
y = pos // 3
xi = math.ceil(x * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6)
yi = math.ceil(y * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, COLOR, (xi, yi), math.ceil(WIDTH / 6 - x_shift), 10)
# draw character
# draw X or O depending on the character given
def draw_charactor(pos, COLOR, charactor): # Draw the charactor Acording to symbol
if charactor == CHARACTOR_FOR_X:
drawX(pos, COLOR)
elif charactor == CHARACTOR_FOR_O:
drawO(pos, COLOR)
# process input
# This function is used to process input for the game
# the mouse click is handle here and the click is recorded
def process_input(): # process the input of the system
global tic_tac_toe, turn, gameOver
# this handle the keyboard & mouse events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # if press quit
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.dict['button'] == 1: # if left mouse button is pressed
if turn == _player and not gameOver: # if it is the player's turn
if tic_tac_toe[find_pos(event.dict['pos'])] == 0:
tic_tac_toe[find_pos(event.dict['pos'])] = player_score
turn = _computer
# computer move
# compute the moves of the computer the AI is handled here
def computer_move(x_a): # this function handle the AI
for val in [2 * computer_score,
2 * player_score]: # -2 check for winning conditon and 2 for blocking the win of player
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == val: # check diaganaly /
if x_a[0] == 0:
return 0
elif x_a[4] == 0:
return 4
elif x_a[8] == 0:
return 8
if x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == val: # check diaganaly \
if x_a[2] == 0:
return 2
elif x_a[4] == 0:
return 4
elif x_a[6] == 0:
return 6
for i in [0, 3, 6]:
if x_a[i] + x_a[i + 1] + x_a[i + 2] == val: # check Horizontaly
if x_a[i] == 0:
return i
elif x_a[i + 1] == 0:
return i + 1
elif x_a[i + 2] == 0:
return i + 2
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
if x_a[i] + x_a[i + 3] + x_a[i + 6] == val: # check vertically
if x_a[i] == 0:
return i
elif x_a[i + 3] == 0:
return i + 3
elif x_a[i + 6] == 0:
return i + 6
while not no_moves(): # if no wining or blocking situation make a random move
pos = random.randint(0, 89) // 10
if x_a[pos] == 0: # if the posision is empty
return pos
# no moves
# find if there is no more moves left
def no_moves(): # to find out any moves left
global tic_tac_toe
for i in range(0, 9):
if tic_tac_toe[i] == 0: # if the position is empty
return False
return True
# win
# find if computer or player has win the game
def win(x_a, player): # find the winner
global player_score, computer_score
if player == _player:
score = player_score * 3
score = computer_score * 3
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == score or x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == score or \
x_a[0] + x_a[1] + x_a[2] == score or x_a[3] + x_a[4] + x_a[5] == score or x_a[6] + x_a[7] + x_a[
8] == score or \
x_a[0] + x_a[3] + x_a[6] == score or x_a[1] + x_a[4] + x_a[7] == score or x_a[2] + x_a[5] + x_a[
8] == score: # check if there is a wining situation
return True
return False
# draw win
# draw the winning lines
def draw_win(x_a, COLOR): # draw the winning lines
global screen
for val in [3 * computer_score, 3 * player_score]:
if x_a[0] + x_a[4] + x_a[8] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, 0), (WIDTH, HEIGHT), 4)
if x_a[2] + x_a[4] + x_a[6] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, HEIGHT), (WIDTH, 0), 4)
for i, num in enumerate([0, 3, 6]):
if x_a[num] + x_a[num + 1] + x_a[num + 2] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (0, int(i * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)),
(WIDTH, int(i * HEIGHT / 3 + HEIGHT / 6)), 4)
for num in [0, 1, 2]:
if x_a[num] + x_a[num + 3] + x_a[num + 6] == val:
pygame.draw.line(screen, COLOR, (int(num * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6), 0),
(int(num * WIDTH / 3 + WIDTH / 6), HEIGHT), 4)
# display message
# this function use to display message to the game screen
def display_messege(message, COLOR): # This function use to deiplay message (WIN) to screen
screen.blit(m_display, (0, int(HEIGHT / 2 - 80)))
wins = myFont.render(message, 2, COLOR)
screen.blit(wins, (text_x, text_y))
# game
# the main function of the game this is use to run the game
def game(): # main game function
global screen, tic_tac_toe, gameOver, turn, computer_score, myFont, m_display, BLUE, GREEN, WHITE, HEIGHT, WIDTH
init_pygame() # initialize the pygame settings
# main game loop execution bigins hear
while True:
if not gameOver: # do this if game is not over
if turn == _computer and not win(tic_tac_toe,
_player) and not no_moves(): # if it is the computers turn do this
tic_tac_toe[computer_move(tic_tac_toe)] = computer_score
turn = _player
gameOver = win(tic_tac_toe, _player) or win(tic_tac_toe, _computer)
draw_win(tic_tac_toe, RED)
if win(tic_tac_toe, _player): # if player wins show message
display_messege("player Wins!!!", GREEN)
elif win(tic_tac_toe, _computer): # if computer wins show message
display_messege("Computer Wins!!", GREEN)
if no_moves(): # if no more moves show message
pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (0, 0), (WIDTH, HEIGHT), 4)
pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (0, HEIGHT), (WIDTH, 0), 4)
display_messege("No more moves!!", GREEN)
game() # game bigins here